Ministry of Health has kept close contact with the World Health Organization and Governments of the US, Canada and Mexico in order to follow the epidemic and efforts of measures closely. 卫生部与世界卫生组织和美、加、墨政府保持密切联系,及时跟踪疫情及防控进展。
It currently integrates Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with my contact profile, so I can reach out and follow up with folks easier. 它现在可以将Facebook、推特和LinkedIn与我的联系方式整合在一起,让我更轻松地与其他人保持联系,了解他们的最新动向。
Make sure you have a solid backswing, contact and follow through on all shots. 保证你对于所有的来球可以有充分的回摆,然后接触球,并且跟进。
We go back to contact at1:03 in the video and watch how Frank also continues to rotate his upper body during his forehand follow through. 我们在1:03秒位置回到击球点,观察他在正手随挥的同时也继续转动上身。
Every page, every contact, the two are not the same details, but meticulously follow the vision, Color and products at the scene. 每一块版面处理、一件接点处理、找不到两个相同的细节,而且精心承袭了视觉、彩与产品的痕迹。
Please leave your message and contact information so as to follow up your query. 请留下您的信息和联系方式,以便我们跟进您的查询。
A detailed epidemiological investigation and contact follow up is being conducted by a team of epidemiologists from IEDCR, ICDDRB and WHO Bangladesh. 来自孟加拉国流行病学疾病控制和研究所、国际腹泻病研究中心和世卫组织的一组流感病学家正在开展详细的流行病学调查和接触者跟踪。
Under Tools, click Add a Contact and follow the instructions contained in the Add a Contact wizard. 在工具下,单击添加联系人,按照添加联系人向导中的提示操作。
If you wanna request some posts, please feel free to contact me or follow on Twitter. 如果你想要求一些职位,请随时与我联系,或按照Twitter的。
WHO will remain in contact with experts monitoring air quality in the affected region, and advises people to follow the latest guidance from their local health officials. 卫生组织将继续与在受影响区域检测空气质量的专家保持联系。建议人们遵守当地卫生组织出台的最新指导。
Being in pure rolling contact, the balls follow a trochoidal path to transmit force and motion between the two discs. 钢球在由两盘组成的滚道中作纯滚动而传递运动和动力。
Contact of contemporary fashion design and interviews of designers domestic and abroad to collecting information from a source of inspiration, follow the principles, advantages and weak to overcome the weakness analysis methods, specifically addressing the implementation of the theory of pleasure-based clothing design. 联系对当代服装设计师的访谈以及前期收集整理的国内外设计师资料,从灵感来源,遵循原则,优势弱势分析以及解决方案具体论述、落实基于快感理论的服装设计方法。